So to strip your hair use one full sachet of Efassor mixed with 60ml of 30vol creme peroxide. Mix well and apply to hair. Apply to the darker bits first. Do not apply to roots or any hair regrowth as it will not remove this color and can be damaging to new hair.
*Disclaimer* I am literally blogging about what I am doing and I am not telling you that you should do this. Stripping hair is very harsh and can cause damage to hair , avoid doing so if you have brittle or damaged hair. Please if you want to strip your hair talk to a professional first.
So anyway onto the makeup, not so much an everyday wearable look. Really I was just kind of making fun of my gingerish and playing with colors.

1.Apply foundation and concealer as normal and set with powder
2. Contour the cheek bones and apply a light pink blush on balls of cheeks apply highlighter over this.
3. Apply a eyeshadow similar to skin tone all over lid and under lash line.
4. Apply light brown into the socket line and blend upwards, using a pencil brush apply a dark brown over this and blend upwards.
5. On the lip apply a red/orange copper color, I used one from my 120 palette but M.A.C 'coppering' would work also. Blend the edges of the copper into the dark brown.
6. Apply a small amount of Barry M pigment 44 to centre of lid and blend to add some dimension.
7. Using a black gel liner to create flick apply a thin line in inside corner and gradually getting thicker as you move to outside corner. Line upper and lower waterline with black also Apply mascara to upper and lower lashes.
8. Using pencil brush apply a shimmery gold to under the lashline and in the inside corner of eye.
9. Line lips with a bronze lip liner( I used one from Avon called bronzer which also has a lipgloss and lipstick attached to it. Fill in the outer edges of lips also and blend with clean lip brush. Using the Barry M pigment 44 mixed with clear gloss I applied this all over lip.
ReplyDeleteI am not messing when I say this. But this is my FAVOURITE look you have created so far. It's absolutely beautiful. Your hair is gorgeous too. It's absolutely stunning. I love the whole look.Can't wait to see tomorrows now. I would like to link your post on "luuux " so more people see it.You know the link thing from underneath?But I'm not sure how ? Do you know how ?
Hi Steph, thanks for the compliment, my look is already on luuux added it this morn but feel free to share it again if you like. To link this blog post just copy this URL
ReplyDeleteHi, No prob,
ReplyDeleteI just did it now, it's here
Hopefully ,even a few more people will see because it is really good.